Rokbridge is a Joomla!/phpbb bridge designed to allow the use of Joomla authentication on a phpbb install.
Upon install, running Joomla 1.5.14, The following error was encountered when I accessed rockbridge through the Joomla! admin panel:
Fatal error: Class 'JFile' not found in /home/…/administrator/components/com_rokbridge/helper.php on line 145
This was a little difficult to track down, (more reports than solutions) but the solution seems to be to add the following line immediately prior to line 145 in the referenced file;
[sourcecode language="php"]
jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' );
In my case, I added a comment and a line of whitespace above and below for clarity, so I have the following code: starting at line 130 in helper.php:
[sourcecode language="php"]
function getParams($refresh = false)
static $instance;
if ($instance == null || $refresh)
$table =& JTable::getInstance('component');
$table->loadByOption( $component );
// work out file path
$option = preg_replace( '#\W#', ", $table->option );
$path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.$option.DS.'config.xml';
// following line added to fix error at install – see
jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' );
if (JFile::exists( $path )) {
$instance = new JParameter( $table->params, $path );
} else {
$instance = new JParameter( $table->params );
return $instance;